Rachel tagged me for a Meme. What's a Meme, you ask?
Meme asks us to tell you 6 quirky, random or inconsequential facts about ourselves. The rules for meme are: (1) Link to the person that tagged you. (2) Post the rules on your blog. (3) Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourselves. (4) Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs. (5) Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website."
I am usually opposed to these blog shenanigans. However, I will complete this task because of my great love for Rachel. And because she's feeding me dinner on Wednesday. But in general she's just pretty awesome too.
So - here's everything you don't need or want to know about me:
1) I hate Canada. Haha - just kidding Rach!! The first thing/quirk I can tell you about is a product of my photographic memory. According to several sources, I know everything. This statement is, of course, obviously false. However, I do know a lot about a lot of things. I spent my childhood reading world almanacs and encyclopedias (the 'rents can testify to this). I can tell you how shampoo works, what free radicals are and what they do, the capital of any state and of most countries of the world, the origins of most English words, and which wine on the list would probably go best with your entree. I love learning, and that makes me a great big giant nerd.
2) According to many Koreans I know, apparently I love really strange Korean food that no foreigner should ever be able to tolerate. The tastiest meal I can think of is one of sticky rice,
kimchi (fermented spicy cabbage),
doenjang jjigae (fermented bean paste soup),
gim (dried seaweed) and
tteok (chewy rice cakes). Quite strange am I.
3) I ALWAYS go to the bathroom right after I brush my teeth at night, so now every time I reach up to put toothpaste on my toothbrush I immediately feel like I need to pee. I also rarely have the urge to use the bathroom when not in a bathroom. I am the boss of my bladder.
4) I have an awesome family filled with awesome cousins - there are 14 of them to be exact - Megs, Brandi, Casey, Ryan, Kenz, Sarah, Colin, Anna, Shawn, Zach, Grace, Erin, Alex, and Holly. They range in age from 19 to 3 months. Most of them are more like my siblings than my cousins. It was hard to leave everyone when I left for Korea, but it was
really hard to leave them because I know right now, I'm missing them growing up, and they will be so different by the time I get back. I miss them a lot - they are super kids.
5) I dream vividly almost every night. Some nights I dream so vividly that I feel more tired when I wake up than I did when I went to sleep. Erica calls me a "Thinker Monster", and apparently I can't stop thinking even while unconscious. I've even had dreams about important people I will (...might...) meet in the future. I wish I could TiVo my dreams so I could watch them again and pay more attention.
6) I have a love affair with lilies. My favorite are Oriental lilies, more specifically
Stargazer Lilies. There's just something about their beauty - so unique, so striking, so wild. The chocolate vs. flowers contest is no match in my eyes. Lilies are awesome. Plus, they're biblical. You just can't say that about chocolate.
Okay - I'm Meme-ing 6 people, but I'm not doing it publicly. Take that, Meme.
Its late and I'm old. Night!