Somewhere along the line, all of this became ordinary to me. Normal, everyday occurrences. Nothing to write home about, so to speak. I mean, I still see and experience really obnoxiously strange things almost everyday. Like on Saturday, Rachel and I were getting on the subway and as we were walking into the car this girl runs up from I don't know where and smacks both of us on the butts. And that is sadly not the first time that has happened.
But instead of getting angry, feeling patronized and objectified, or punching her in the face, I had this thought:
I don't know if I've become disillusioned or just used to this madness. Or maybe those things are the same. Anyway, Rach and I had a good laugh about it.
For me, Korea has been a mix of things I absolutely love mixed in with things that drive me absolutely bonkers. There has been very little middle ground. I think it would do me some good at this stage to show you some of the things I've become passionate about here:
- My kids!!!
I also love my school kids. I started up Teacher Mail again last week for the new 6th-graders, and I got some priceless letters. One girl went on for 2 pages about the boy that she liked...she never did tell me his name though. My favorite letter was from the "coolest" 6th-grade boy in our school (all the girls have a crush on him) which said, and I quote, "I am so happy teacher is from USA!! I want a relationship with my teacher. I love you, teacher!" know this makes me cool by association, right? :)
- My friends!!!
We're all so different, from different countries, different backgrounds, different families, different hobbies, different everything - and yet...
"Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith." Galations 6:2, 9-10
I can't imagine my life here without them.
I'll blog next time about the things that drive me nuts...but as for right now...they don't seem as important :)
Ok...the burning question in my've been in Korea nearly a year...when are you coming home?
*Sniff* JB - I just now saw this. I'm moved!
Love you lots sista.
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