Saturday, December 15, 2007

Christmas in Seoul

Here are some fun pictures of random occurrences of late:

Susan, Randi and Hil, cold but ready to see some Christmas lights!

Christmas lights display near City Hall - there was an ice rink in the middle!

Randi getting ready to "ruin" Hil's picture...

Randi "ruining" Hil's picture :)

Amazing lights!!!

Light forest near City Hall - they even had fake wildlife covered in lights.

The gang - Susan, me, Randi, Hil, Ruda and looks as though we're standing in front of a blazing inferno...

Best cab ride...EVER. 4 people in the backseat of a Kia. I think that's a Guinness Record...


Anonymous said...


Kelsey said...

Jessica, Jessica...I am so glad to hear what God is doing in your life and see your cool pictures. I'm sorry I won't be sending you a Christmas package this year...this Colorado thing happened so fast that I was all in a flurry before I left, and it's several miles to a post office here and even more to stores...and I don't have a car. But I LOVE YOU and I miss you very much and I want nothing more than to talk to you. Do you have Skype? Because I'm going to get it.