Sunday, January 6, 2008


We had TGIFriday's for dinner tonight...and I've been writhing in pain for the last 6 hours.

It seems as though I cannot eat "Western" food anymore. Its like my body...rejects it. I can eat food so spicy that my lips swell and my tongue loses all feeling without any adverse effects, but eating a slice of cheese and a potato makes me feel like I'm going to keel over.

I think I'll stick to kimchi and rice for the next week or so.

On a brighter note, while at TGIFriday's, Hil told the waitstaff that it was Cathy's birthday (which it was not) just so they would put an obnoxious hat on her and sing an elaborate birthday song. Cathy has vowed revenge. I can't wait.

Learned the chilluns about Mary and Martha today. I still enjoy reading that story. So much to ponder. The kids got to color some after the lesson and Koji colored Jesus' hair a sort-of tie-dye-rainbow pattern. Koji is...special.

Time for bed. Or more accurately, time for lying awake in bed because my stomach is eating itself. I swear I will never eat cheese again.

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