Saturday, October 13, 2007

A few more things:

1) Thanks to whoever sent me that text message last week! I can receive them but I am unable to see who sent them. Soooo...thanks!

2) My phone number is 82-02-804-4086. You'll need an international calling card if you don't want to pay a billion dollars.

3) I am trying to decide what to purchase upon the arrival of my next paycheck. Here are the options:

1. A new mp3 player (mine has gone schizo on me)
2. Contacts (I always wear glasses and feel like such a NERD)
3. A cell phone and plan to use while I'm here
4. A gym membership
5. A lifetime noraebang membership
6. A La-Z-Boy

...I really want that La-Z-Boy...its kind of like all-purpose furniture, you know? Chair, extra bed, table, etc. You wouldn't believe how many times a week I think about having a La-Z-Boy. Some people might even call it an obsession. I JUST WANT TO BE COMFORTABLE!

Okay, enough randomness for now. Oh - and I hope you guys had fun at the BARN PARTY!! (I still get Nav News, which reminds


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