Tuesday, October 2, 2007

I have internet!!

So after roughly 5 weeks here in one of the most wired countries on the face of the planet, I am online in the comfort of my own home. Talk about bureaucratic red tape - and I thought that only existed in the States. But compared to what I saw while working for GE and then the federal government, internet in 5 weeks is like a miracle in efficiency.

My co-teacher came over after school and helped me figure it out. Then she took me out to dinner! Gotta love that Korean hospitality. Not only did she buy me dinner, but she's taking me on vacation for a weekend in late October to see the foliage! Now if I can just get her to do my laundry...

Wanna see some retreat pictures??? I hope so! Because here they are!

Hilary being a nerd as usual...actually that's my book...

The East Sea to Koreans, The Sea of Japan to Japan, yeah they don't get along...

Ruda and Hilary, two peas in a pod with those backpacks, short pants and flip flops!

Seorak Mountain and - perhaps more impressive - ACTUAL TREES!

Hil, Eric and Tim building a bridge. From my junior civil engineering standpoint, the whole idea was ridiculous and would most certainly end in disaster.

Only 8000 Won to put your life in jeopardy while riding the cable cars of death! Actually they were quite nice and featured music by none other than the legendary Stevie Wonder.

Descending from the top of Seorak Mountain...or...Heaven???

I have a lot more pictures, but Blogger is SO SLOW in uploading them that you'll just have to check out my Facebook or email me demanding photos. For now, I bid you adieu!


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