Tuesday, October 9, 2007

To help you understand more about Korean life...

...I have pilfered this list from my friend's Facebook profile:

"I hope and pray for those of you who read this note that you will gain wisdom and insight that aid you in whatever path you choose to take in life...

- In reference to street vendors: The more unsanitary the conditions the better tasting the food

- A tall size drink at a starbucks coffee is a little over 4 dollars...a venti is about 6-9 depending on the drink.

-The Dunkin' Donuts here are lavishly furnished and are only for people who think starbucks is for poor people.

-There are coffee shops that don't even sell regular coffee..only espresso drinks...

-there is no such thing as decaf

- Mcdonalds serve kiwi sundaes

- There is what is called a "Couples Tee" where a guy and a girl who are dating will wear matching shirts...these shirts will usually be pink with a huge red heart on the chest with "Teenie Weenie" written on it.

- Dogs dress better than their owners

- Korean's are EXTREMELY self-conscious about their age hence the next time a korean asks you how old you think they are always always always answer, "Dude you look 17...no joke...you're definitely 17..." or you will be stabbed.

- The Korean Constitution is roughly 60 years old hence that is why Korean laws and policy pretty much suck

- The subway is the best place to purchase the latest dvd...quality is usually very good and well worth the 4,000 won (or 3 for 10,000 )

-Middle aged Korean Men drink like a freshman college fratboy and have the tolerance of that of a 5 year old.

-According to MULTIPLE eyewitness accounts women in our neighboring Asian countries i.e Taiwan, China, etc are envious of the "Korean Look" (even though we all look the same...snap!) Yet, it is sad since they base the majority of koreans on the soap operas they watch on television and well over half of these actors and actresses are made out of plastic on the outside.

-Medicare is actually pretty amazing here.

-Pringles chips taste like plastic with salt on top

-Korean Gum loses its flavor before you chew it

-Any American candy (twix, skittles, etc) taste a bit stale

-Ice Cream bars are 500 won ( ~.50 cents USD)...Glorious

-A Guinness costs over 9 Dollars...sad sad day

-Locals will yell at you or stare at you funny if you speak english for too long when riding the subway or the bus

-To not ever trust a taxi driver unless you are absolutely fluent in korean is a wise choice.

- Motorcyclists don't believe in helmets...or the law...despite the fact that korean drivers make a New York City Cab driver look like a freakin' poser who tries way too hard to be cool.

- There is one public trash can for every 100 miles...Korea smells delicious

- Samsung makes cars

-Kia's come with leather seats and navigation systems

-anything over 20 minutes is considered "really far"...anything over an hour is a "road trip"

- Korean students (elementary to high school) go to school 12 hours a day...during their semester break they have it easy...they only go 8.

- O my goodness...I'm shocked and a little embarrassed that I forgot the obvious...Boys hold hands...hee hee...

-This country is nearly 50 percent (at least nominally) Christian (pretty cool). Yet the other day I was at a cafe and they were marketing various Jesus paraphernalia. My absolute favorite was a Jesus greeting card with The Son of Man flying on a broom (yes, a broom like Harry Potter) with other children on it. Our Savior was sporting a man-purse and joyfully wearing a crown of thorns (I think there was a little blood on his forehead). If I remember correctly the caption read, "Happy day happy happy day...happy". I will try my best to retrieve a photo confirmation.

- LG and Samsung cell phones use advanced alien technology

-There is a festival literally every other week celebrating everything from Jazz music to Kimchi...."

And my own personal addition:

Question: How do you know when you're in a fancy, upscale Korean establisment?

Answer: There are toilet paper dispensers in the stalls.


Laura said...

Thanks for the info - do you have a coffee maker at home? Are you able to get beans or ground without taking out a loan? Do you have to use bottled water to brew it? Coffee lovers will understand the importance of this note!
Take good care!

Jessica Lee Becker said...

I have a french press that the previous tenants left me, coffee is expensive but I have been able to get my hands on some, and I use tap water. So it doesn't taste exactly like Starbucks but its good enough in the meantime...I suppose I'll survive :)